1 February 2022

A Joint St Brigid's Day and Ulysses100 Virtual Celebration with Nuala O'Connor

Nuala O'Connor, award-winning author of Nora will be in conversation with Ambassador Eamon Hickey on 1 February 2022 to discuss Nora Barnacle, James Joyce and the life they built together.

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The Embassy of Ireland, Switzerland is proud to host Nuala O'Connor on our second annual St Brigid's Day celebration. On the eve of the centenary of Ulysses' publication, we will hear from the author of Nora on the life and times of Nora Barnacle, her husband James Joyce and their relationship including the period in which he wrote Ulysses.

As the final resting place of Joyce, Switzerland is the perfect location from which to hear these tales and we invite all who are interested to join us on 1 February, at 6pm.

Virtual login details will be circulated before the event - check our Twitter and Facebook pages (@IrlEmbBerne (Twitter) and @IRESWITZERLAND (fb).

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