Mr. Bloom's Reading Club
An on-line reading club for newcomers and these who want to give ULYSSES another chance.

An on-line reading club for newcomers and these who want to give ULYSSES another chance. Starting from 2nd of February, the group meets on Zoom of the Polish Association for Irish Studies every first Wednesday of the month to read Joyce's classic in the new Polish translation.
An on-line reading club for newcomers and these who want to give ULYSSES another chance. Starting from 2nd of February, the group meets on Zoom of the Polish Association for Irish Studies every first Wednesday of the month to read Joyce's classic in the new Polish translation by Maciej Swierkocki. The readings are moderated by Katarzyna Bazarnik. If you would like to join us, please, send a message to [email protected]. All welcome!
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