2 Feabhra – 30 Nollaig 2022
Buffalo, United States Of America

"That all books might published be”: Sylvia Beach’s Ulysses

This exhibit celebrates the centenary of Ulysses by James Joyce through highlighting the contributions of its publisher, Sylvia Beach.

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UB’s Poetry Collection is the home of the world’s largest and most comprehensive James Joyce Collection, thanks in part to the archival instincts of Sylvia Beach. Of the acquisition of her collection by UB, Beach explained, “I am so glad to think that the University of Buffalo is to be the centre for the study of Joyce’s work.” The Beach portion of the collection provides a fascinating record of how Ulysses was produced, publicized, and distributed, encompassing holograph manuscripts; typescripts of all but the first episode of Ulysses; 279 items of correspondence from Joyce to Beach; copies and drafts of Joyce’s outgoing correspondence; and much, much more related to the publication of the first and later editions and translations of Joyce’s novel.

The exhibit is on display in 420 Capen Hall at the University at Buffalo through the end of December 2022. It is open to the public during the Poetry Collection’s regular hours, Monday through Friday from 10am to 4pm (with some exceptions). For more information, contact [email protected] or call 1-716-645-2917.

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